Friday, January 08, 2010

Fear vs Respect

Fear and Respect. Surprisingly, these are words often used synonymously. Have you not heard of people talking about being 'god-fearing' instead of being 'god-believing'?

Fear is a negative feeling coming from a position of weakness. It comes either out of guilt or sheer helplessness. Fear gets exploited everywhere. In the places of work, workshop, with friends and even at home. Fear terrifies you of consequences and stops you from an action. Fear blocks your mind and hinders free thinking. Fear is demanded by the weak from the weak. Fear comes out of ignorance; not knowing what is in other person's mind, what is to happen next, what if ......

Respect is a positive feeling, comes from a position of strength. You respect a person when you see a person (or an entity) better in some aspect; may be knowledge, power, position, money... be it whatever, it energizes your mind and propels you into action. Respect is commanded by the strong and respect is given by the strong. Respect comes knowledge; knowing you, knowing your choices, knowing others and knowing the world

Fear breaks; Respect mends.
Fear hurts; Respect heals.
Fear suffocates; Respect motivates.
Fear arrests; Respect enables.

For a better life, better family, better business, better world, nurture respect always and everywhere. Destroy fear always, everywhere