Thursday, December 16, 2004

Caste system in software development

Indian society was practising caste system wherein human beings were classified into Brahmins (typically priests & teachers) who are custodians of knowledge , Kshatriyas (typically royal families) who are protectors, Vaisyas (business class) who hold money and Shudras who serve the rest .... and then there is outcasts as well who do not belong to any of this ...
This is almost gone though its traces remain still in isolated pockets .... it was a system which maintained some kind of balance but what is worst about it is that it straightjackets human
World has a way of repeating itself .... in the software industry, which is run & practised by the educated, still practices a kind of caste system while one job is considered inferior to another .... management is great and many of the managers I know has long lost touch with the current technologies .... architecting is great but how can that happen without testing .... then testing is considered to be inferior ... of course, situation is gradually changing