I am not a sociologist or economist, nor a follower of any specific socio-economic-political ideology. I am a curious observer of socio-political scene.
History of 20th century, as I see it, is dominated by two contrasting ideologies of communism and capitalism. These have its root in economics, both has influenced socio-political scenario around the world. Their influence was so high that it created a bi-polar world forcing most of the coiuntries to align with one of them
As a neutral observer, I did find merits in value proposition of both the ideologies, though I was not a fan of either. Rather, before I could see their value propositions being translated into actual value, both collapsed
What is interesting is, value proposition of communism was buried deep in its grave by its major advocates towards end of century. If what I am seeing is anything to go by, value proposition of capitalism is ready for its grave, being killed by its very proponents. It is being becoming clear, by now, that the notion of natural balance of free market was a matter of political convenience rather than being an ideology.
Is it not yet time for us to go back to our Swadeshi Movement